Eduk8 - National 5

National 5

This section of the website is designed to support the delivery and illustrate some of the concepts which pupils may need to know about for the National 5 examinations.

Each of the concepts will be illustrated and discussed in the following pages. As this site is under development the structure and layout of the site will probably change over time as more examples are added.

Aims of National 5 Computing Science

As stated in the SQA Course Specification, the aims of the Course are to enable learners to:

Related to these aims, and underlying the study of computing science, are a number of unifying themes, including technological progress and trends, the relationship between software, hardware and system performance and information representation and transfer as a core component of any computation. These are used to explore a variety of specialist areas through practical and investigative tasks.

This Course will also give learners the opportunity to develop thinking skills and skills in numeracy, employability, enterprise and citizenship.

Course Structure

In common with the Higher and Advanced Higher Computing Science courses the National 5 course includes two units in:

The course is assessed though unit assessments, a summative coursework project task and a final examination.

The unit assessments are pass/fail and need to be completed in order to gain an overall award but do not contribute to the final grade awarded.

The courswork project is worth 60 marks out of 150 (or 40% of the overall award) with the final examination being worth 90 marks (or 60% of the overall award).

Course Awards and Progression

Pupils are awarded a grade A-D as follows.

Successful progression at Higher level involves a significant jump in knowledge, ability to communicate knowledge, problem solving and practial abilities. This rarely happens with candidates that gain a Grade C award. Pupils in this position should consider repeating the National 5 course in order to improve their grade or undertaking the Higher course over two years. Pupils/Parents should discuss this with the Computing Department in their school.