National 5 - ISDD
Information Systems Design and Development
The following table of contents was taken from the SQA's Course Unit Support Notes for National 5.
Table of Contents
Structures and links (database) |
Implementation of a relational database with two linked data tables. Advantages of relational database over flat-file databases. Description, exemplification and implementation of primary keys and foreign keys. Description and exemplification of field types (text, number, date, time, graphic, object, link, Boolean). Description and exemplification of validation including:
Description and exemplification of database operations search, sort (on multiple fields) and calculations. Description, exemplification and implementation of good design to avoid data duplication and modification errors (insert, delete, update). |
Structures and links (web-based) |
Description of website, page, URL in relation to a web-based information system. Description and implementation of hyperlinks (internal, external), relative and absolute addressing. Understand the need for, and exemplify, simple navigation within web-based information systems. Description and features of web browsers and search engines. |
User interface (also applies in software design and development) |
Description of requirements for a good user interface including:
Media types |
Description of Standard file formats and their benefits. Know a range of standard file formats for different media types including:
Describe and exemplify the factors affecting file size and quality, including resolution, colour depth, sampling rate. Calculation of file size for colour bitmap. Description of the need for compression. |
Coding |
Description and identification of coding to create and modify information systems including:
Description, exemplification and implementation of coding to create and modify information systems including the use of HTML with the tags for:
Testing |
Description and exemplification of testing information systems including:
Purpose, features, functionality, users |
Description of purpose of an information system. Description of the features and functions of an information system. Description of types of users of information systems including:
Description of age-range of users of information systems. |
Technical implementation (hardware requirements) |
Description and exemplification of the appropriate type of hardware required for a specific information system including:
Technical implementation (software requirements) |
Describe the purpose of an operating system including:
Understand the features of web browsers including:
Description and exemplification of the appropriate type of software required for a specific information system including:
Technical implementation (storage) |
Comparison of local versus Cloud storage. Comparison of built-in versus portable storage. Comparison of built-in versus portable storage. Comparison of different interface types and their data transfer speeds including:
Description of different types of storage devices and their media in terms of functionality and capacity (in appropriate units) including:
Description and exemplification of the appropriate type of storage required for a specific information system including:
Technical implementation (networking/ connectivity) |
Description and comparison of the following transmission media in relation to data speeds and ease of use:
Description and exemplification of hardware required for network connectivity including:
Description and exemplification of the appropriate type of network connection required for a specific information system including:
Security risks |
Description and identification of the following security risks:
Security precautions |
Description and exemplification of anti-virus software. Description and exemplification of good practice in passwords settings. Description and exemplification of biometrics including:
Description and exemplification of firewalls. |